Our Family Board creates the company’s strategies, meeting monthly to accompany results, deal with risks and opportunities, and plan actions.
We have Audit, Legal, ESG, Quality, Environment, and Safety committees to deal specifically with these themes.
We have a Code of Ethics and a whistleblowing channel on our website. We also have an Integrity and Anti-corrupt Program and Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment, and we promote internal training on these norms and communication on our website.
We have a Data Privacy Policy that guides how we treat employee and third-party data, as well as the data on our website.
Our Environmental and Quality Management System has ISO14001 and ISO9001 certifications.
We constantly invest in technology to improve our processes and waste recovery.
We are associated with national and international institutions in our sector (Sindinesfa, Inesfa, ISRI, BIR) and participate actively in improving laws to support recycling in Brazil. Our director, Rafael Barros, is president of the Sindinesfa and vice-president of Inesfa.